It's May!
Well it is May!!! I just love the springtime when the flowers and buds come out. It is so beautiful. When I started this process, I thought that Megan would have been home with me for a while now. However, I am still several months away from seeing my Megan's face for the first time. Referrals should be coming in through November 1, 2005. That is a little over 2 months before my LID. I read on my singles yahoo group that we may not get our referral for another 2 1/2 years. I'm praying that this is not true. I don't know if I can wait that long. I just want to see Megan's face. I know that she will be well worth this wait but it is hard to keep the faith that there is a little girl at the end of this wait.
Please pray for me and my patience. I will be celebrating my 16 month LID anniversary on Sunday and it is getting frustrating. : (
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